

村山の開発月報 Vol. 19
Murayama’s Monthly Development Report Vol. 19

※See below for update info in English



 ただ、最初は開発メンバーからは難色を示された。Bloodstained;Ritual of the Nightではコンパニオンゲームとして、Bloodstained:Curse of the Moonが発売されたのは知ってはいたが、それは方向性は違うとはいえ同じアクションゲームジャンプでの発売であり、コマンド式RPGの百英雄伝に対して、限られた予算での制作になるコンパニオンゲームの形が見えなかった。






Murayama’s Monthly Development Report Vol.19

The release of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising’s is almost here.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising was just an idea born from a Kickstarter stretch goal meeting.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes began as a project thanks to the support of our backers through Kickstarter. It differs from your typical game development, and so the wait between the title’s announcement and eventual release is much longer. Longer still, because it is an RPG which can take years to develop. And so, the creation of a companion game was proposed as an idea that would fill that gap.

The development team members expressed concern at first. We knew that Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon was released as a companion game to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night; they were both action games, albeit with different directions. We simply couldn’t imagine how a game that would compliment Eiyuden Chronicle’s command-style RPG could be made on a limited budget.

Not to mention the companion game would need to be developed separately from the core Eiyuden Chronicle title, which left us with the problem of finding a company we could commission to make it.

Natsume Atari was one of the many candidate companies we looked at. I, personally, trusted them as a company and their plan to create an Action RPG fit within the companion game’s requirements of having a limited budget and still being fun with a fewer number of characters.

In our meeting with Natsume Atari we learned that we shared the same values about what makes an RPG enjoyable, such as the fun of building out your characters and the joy of completing smaller, less-intense sub-goals. They also made sure to note that many of the people who will be playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising are people who are looking forward to playing a command-based RPG

RPGs and Action RPGs are different genres born from different purposes and goals they aim to achieve. But I believe that, at their roots, they offer the same kind of fun.

I hope you enjoy Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising.

One of the few pastimes left to me these days is going on walks. Cherry blossoms, a reminder of the season, add an extra moment of pleasure to my walks.