※See below for update info in English
先日『百英雄伝』Kickstarter プレミアムバッカーの皆様に「『百英雄伝』 プレミアムリワード リクエストシート提出のお願い」という件名のメールをお送りいたしました。
また、Kickstarter 登録時に Apple ID でアカウントを作成された方は、メールが届かない可能性があります。
メールが届いていない方は eiyuden@theyetee.com 宛にお問い合わせのメールをお送りください。メールは日本語で大丈夫です。
※ご案内メールアドレスのドメインは rabbitandbearstudios.com です。
『百英雄伝』 の Kickstarter ページ(以下)に行き「プレッジ内容を見る」をクリックして現れる画面の一番下に記載があります。
『百英雄伝』 のプロジェクトを選択し、画面最下部の「プレッジを見る」をタップすると、ユーザー名の下に記載があります。
例えば「Enduring Requiem」のような名前です。
個別のリワードの名前(たとえば「CD Soundtrack」や「Artbook」など)では
We recently sent an email titled “Eiyuden Chronicle Premium Rewards Request Sheet Submission Request” to all Premium Backers of the Kickstarter for Eiyuden Chronicle.
“Premium backers” are those who have the right to have something appear in the game of Eiyuden Chronicle, such as “becoming an NPC”, “making enemies”, or “having your cat appear”. In order to implement them, we’ve sent a confirmation.
If you are eligible and have not received an email, please check to see if it has been sorted into your spam mail. Also, if you created an account with Apple ID when you registered for Kickstarter, you may not have received the email.
If you have not received an email, please send an email inquiry to eiyuden@theyetee.com. Please include your “backer number”, “pledge name”, and “email address at the time of Kickstarter registration”.
*The domain of the email from Rabbit & Bear Studios is “rabbitandbearstudios.com”
*The list of eligible rewards for premium backers is 14 at the bottom of the following page (there are 16 as “reward names”)
*The “backer number” is a number with a maximum of 5 digits
1)How to check on the PC site: go to Kickstarter page (below), click on “View pledge” and you will see it at the bottom of the screen that appears
2) *How to check it on the smartphone app: Select the Eiyuden Chronicle project and tap “View Pledge” at the bottom of the screen, and you will find it under your user name
*The “Pledge Name” can be found in “View pledge” screens.
For example, “Enduring Requiem”.
It is not the name of an individual reward (e.g. “CD Soundtrack” or “Artbook”).