

Fulfillment Store Clarification

※See below for update info in English






















Q: まだバッカ―アンケートを受け取っていません。どうすればいいですか? 

A: プロジェクトをご支援いただいている場合(クレジットカードの決済が完了しているなど)は、キックスターターサイトからバッカ―アンケートにアクセスしてください。 


  1. キックスターターサイトへ行きキックスターターにログインし、
  2. ログインできたら、ページの右上に表示されるアカウント画像をクリックします。
  3. 百英雄伝をクリックします。
  4. アンケートを見る」のリンクをクリックします。


Q: クレジットカードの決済は行われているのに、キックスターターページにアンケートを見つけられません。どうすればいいですか? 

A: これはキックスターターサイト側で起こる問題です。私たちの方でお答えすることはできないため、申し訳ございませんがキックスターターサポートメールへ直接お問い合わせください。  

サポートセンターへのお問い合わせについて、 日本語対応が可能かどうかについては、現在確認中です。状況がわかり次第、百英雄伝のSNS、およびRabbit And Bearのホームページなどから皆さまへお知らせさせていただきます。 

Q: まだバッカ限定ストアへの招待状が届きません。どうすればいいですか? 

A: キックスターターバッカ―アンケートへの回答(キャンペーン中に送られてきた市場アンケートではありません。バッカ―アンケートは2か月前にリリースしています。)が確実にお済みであれば、イエティまでご連絡ください。 

Q: バッカアンケートの回答(プラットフォーム選択など)を変更したいです。どうすればできますか? 

A: プラットフォーム、Tシャツサイズなどアンケートで回答された内容につきましては、商品の製作開始(ゲーム発売の1年くらい)前に、すべてのバッカ―の皆さまに最終締め切りをご案内する予定です。内容の変更をご希望のバッカ―の皆さまは、ご案内後、締め切りまでの間に自由に選択をしていただけますので、今しばらくお待ちください。最終締め切り時期につきましては、将来のハードウェア情勢も適切に見て判断できるように配慮したものです。 

Q: 元々の百英雄伝キックスターターで支援をしていません。まだ支援をするチャンスはありますか? 

A: もちろんです!まもなく発表する予定のストアは新規のバッカ―さまにもアクセスしていただけます。現在、ストアのテスト中です。もう少しお待ちください。 

Q: バッカ限定ストアではどのような支払い方法がありますか? 

A: バッカ―限定ストアではShopify Pay、Google Pay、Paypalと主要なクレジットカード、デビットカードでの支払いが可能です。 

Q: キックスターターの私の支援したリワードがすでにカード決済されています。バッカ限定ストアでは他にどんなグッズがあるのでしょうか? 

A: キックスターターキャンペーンで支援していただいたものに加え、コンパニオンゲームなど追加でご購入いただけるグッズをご用意しています。  

Q: 不具合(注文が完了しない、招待状からバッカストアにきちんとアクセスできないなど)をいくつか見つけました。どうすればいいですか? 

A: イエティeiyuden@theyetee.comにメールで詳しい不具合の内容をお送りください。ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございませんが、スムーズな運営ができますよう、引き続き改善してまいりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。 

Q: バッカ限定ストアで注文した商品を変更、またはキャンセルしたいときはどうすればいいですか? 

A: イエティeiyuden@theyetee.comにメールで連絡し、変更したい注文番号と、具体的なご希望内容をお伝えください。 


Q: イエティからメールを受け取ったが、すべて英語です。日本語版はありますか? 

A: 気が付かずお送りしてしまい申し訳ございません。今後はすべて、英語、日本語、両方で書かれたものをお送りいたします。以下に日本語版を記載しておきますので、メッセージ内容をご確認ください。 






Hey there heroes! 

We’ve got a quick mini-update for all of you today to address some ongoing issues, and to get rid of any confusion that there seems to be around the fulfillment store. Unfortunately this update won’t feature any development updates. You’ll all have to wait until April for that! 

Backer-Exclusive Fulfillment Store Clarifications 

First, the most important thing to be clear on: if you have received your fulfillment store invitation, as a backer, that grants you access to the backer-specific fulfillment store. This is primarily for purchasing additional items separate from what you would have already purchased during the campaign.  

NOTE: Anything you purchased during the Kickstarter has already been charged to your credit card. Please do not order those items again from the Fulfillment store unless you want additional copies of each of those items. 

The Backer-exclusive fulfillment store has largely been set up to allow existing backers the chance to purchase items, like the companion game, which they may not have had the opportunity to purchase during the campaign, due to the limited time frame. 

We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion that has been caused during the launch of the backer fulfillment store. This is a work in progress, and we are ironing out the kinks that should allow for more purchasing options for the backers, and more flexible ways to adjust your order in the long run. If anyone has made the mistake of accidentally purchasing something on the fulfillment store that they already ordered via Kickstarter, please contact, and we’ll be sure to adjust your order accordingly to fix the error. 

We are aware that there are some bugs in the backend, and we are working on fixing it, but if you see something that you feel is a bug, feel free to send a message 

Slacker Backer Store Opening 

Separate from the pre-existing backer-specific fulfillment store, which you can access by invite only, we will be opening a new store which will be accessible by those who previously did not pledge to the Kickstarter campaign.  

This will allow new fans who didn’t have the opportunity to back the campaign while it was running, the chance to be a part of the Eiyuden Family.  

Here’s how it works: Very much like the Kickstarter campaign, you will need to either purchase a digital copy of the game or a physical copy of the game. That will then allow you to purchase additional Eiyuden Chronicle backer merchandise, such as the artbook, t-shirt, vinyl, etc. 

While it will give new backers the chance to purchase the game at a lower price than its retail release price, please understand that premium items, (ie. the artbook, t-shirt, vinyl etc.) have been priced at their highest price posted at the time of the end of the Kickstarter campaign. This is our way of showing our appreciation for all the early adopters who made this project possible. 

We will update you as soon as we have finished testing the new store. 

That leads us into our last topic… 

Fulfillment Store Pricing 

We’ve seen some people mention that some of the prices are quite expensive. Please remember that in all the merchandise pricing is baked in a portion of game development production costs. This hopefully will allow us to make Eiyuden Chronicle a financially successful game, which will, of course, open the door to future sequels and other interesting products within the brand. 

Finally, if you have yet to receive your backer survey, contact

If you have received your backer survey, but you have not received your fulfillment store invitation, please be sure to reach out to

We know this is covering a lot of different ongoing questions, so to make it all easier to chew on, we’ve put together a quick mini-FAQ below which covers most of the ongoing issues that we’ve seen. 


Q: I haven’t received a backer survey. What do I do? 

A: If you successfully backed the project (ie. your credit card was charged), you can go into Kickstarter’s backend to access your backer survey. 

  1. To access your backer id and survey head over to Kickstarter and login. 
  2. Once you are logged in, click on your account image in the top right of the website.
    From there you can see a list of your “Backed Projects”.  
  3. Click on Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
    When that page loads there should be text at the top saying “You backed this project”. 
  4. 4.Click the link that says “View Survey”.
    From there you can find a button to complete the survey as well as your backer number at the bottom. 

Please do keep in mind that currently, backer surveys cannot be filled out on a mobile device. Kickstarter recommends using a browser on a desktop PC when accessing the survey. 

Q: I can’t find my survey in the Kickstarter backend, but I’m sure my credit card was charged. What do I do? 

A: This is a problem that occurred via Kickstarter’s backend. Since we do not have access to it, you will have to contact their support email directly at

Q: I haven’t received my invitation to the backer-exclusive store yet. What do I do? 

A: If you are sure you have completed your Kickstarter backer survey (not the marketing survey that went out during the campaign, but the backer survey that was released 2 months ago), please contact The Yetee at

Q: I’d like to change one of my answers (platform, etc.) on my backer survey. How do I do that? 

A: The Yetee be reaching out to all backers right before they lock backer choices, such as platform, t-shirt size, etc. This is likely to occur close to one year before the final game ships. At that time, you will designate your final choices. This is partially to allow maximum freedom for people to change their minds as close to the start of the manufacturing process as possible, while also getting a proper read of the hardware landscape. 

Q: I haven’t backed the original Eiyuden Chronicle Kickstarter. Will I have an opportunity to do that? 

A: Absolutely! There will be a store that new backers can access that we will announce shortly. Currently, it is still undergoing testing. Please note that any prices in the new backer store will be fixed at the highest tier they were when the Kickstarter campaign closed. This is to show our appreciation for the early adopter backers that helped us realize our dream. 

Q: What types of payment methods does the Backer-exclusive store accept? 

A: The backer-exclusive store accepts Shopify Pay, Google Pay, Paypal and most major credit and debit cards. 

Q: My card was already charged on Kickstarter for my pledged rewards. What are the items on the Backer-exclusive store all about? 

A: These are additional items for purchase beyond what you have already pledged for during the Kickstarter campaign. This is largely due to the fact that some backers didn’t have the opportunity to purchase the companion game while the Kickstarter campaign was still live. 

Q: I’ve noticed some bugs (ie. my order won’t complete, I’m not able to fully access the backer store through the invitation, etc.). What should I do? 

A: Please reach out to The Yetee at, and describe the bug in detail. As this is a new system, we apologize for any inconvenience, but we are constantly trying to improve it for the smoothest experience possible. 

Q: I want to change or cancel an order that I made on the Backer-exclusive store. How do I do that? 

A: Please reach out to The Yetee at, list your order number, and describe how you would like to adjust your purchase. 

Thank you very much for your patience. We remain humbled by having such an amazing group of awesome fans to support.