『百英雄伝』にご期待いただいている多くのファンの皆様へ「最高のストーリーとゲーム体験」をお届けするために、この度発売予定を「2024年 第2四半期」とさせていただくことを決定いたしました。
現在、制作は最終段階に入っており、『百英雄伝 Rising』の配信時から学び、メインゲームのお届けに遅延が生じないよう、パッケージ版のプラットフォームと発送方法の選択を早めに行いたいと思っています。
パッケージ版プラットフォームとその発送方法についてのご希望を伺うメール「件名:Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes: Choose your Physical Platform」を、来月にかけてバッカーの皆さまに向けて送信いたします。このメールへの皆さまからの返信を受け取り次第、選択された発送方法に従った送料をクレジットカードで決済させていただきます。9月末までにバッカーの皆さまからの返信の受け取りを完了することを目標としておりますので、ご協力をお願いいたします。
・C J(cv:ファイルーズあい)
『百英雄伝 Rising』の物語ののち、彼らはそれぞれの目的のために
そこでイーシャは冒険しやすくやや軽装に、C Jは少し大人になったかも?感が
今回ご紹介したcv付き『百英雄伝 Rising』も遊びたいと思ってしまうのは
誰かー! 偉いひと〜!!w
In order to deliver a game that so many fans have supported, we announce a revised release date of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, with the game now due during Calendar Year Q2 of 2024. The decision was made in order to ensure the best possible story, and to reward the legion of backers with the best game experience possible.
Please stay tuned for more updates, and thank you again for your continued support.
Now that we are in the final phase of production, and in learning from the challenges of distributing the Eiyuden Chronicle Rising, we want to lock down platform choices for physical editions as well as shipping to make sure we can avoid any delays with the main game. We will be sending out Emails titled “Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes: Choose your Physical Platform” to backers to lock down their platform selection for the physical edition and choose which shipping option they want over the next month. Then upon receiving responses we will charge credit cards on hand for the shipping option chosen. The goal will be to have most of the backer platforms and shipping options determined by the end of September. Digital Edition platform choices will be requested in the future, in a separate email.
Hello. This month’s update is brought to you by Kawano, the character illustrator.
We are in the midst of a heat wave here in Japan. How are you doing?
I am pleased to finally be able to give you a follow-up report on the release schedule.
We apologize for the long wait, but please wait just a little bit longer!
Tokyo Game Show 2023 will be held around the time the heat eases up, and we hope to have new information on Eiyuden starting around that time.
This month, I’ll introduce some of the voice cast members that will be revealed alongside that new information!
Here are four voice cast members who will be voicing characters whose illustrations have already been released.
*This is only concerning the Japanese voices. Please wait a little longer for the English versions.
Garr (cv: Hiroya Egashira)
Mio (cv: Masayo Fujita)
Lian (cv: Sayaka Senbongi)
Hildi (cv: Yoko Hikasa)
You should be able to hear these four voices from pretty early on in the game.
Our development studio is already filled with their wonderful voices, so we’ll do our best to deliver them to you all as soon as possible!
Next up are three of the characters whose illustrations are being unveiled for the first time (partly already included in the video).
CJ (cv: Ai Fairouz)
Isha (cv: Ai Kakuma)
Garoo (cv: Taro Kiuchi)
After the story of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, they leave New Nevaeh to pursue their own goals.
Isha is now a little more adventurous and wears lighter gear, and CJ has grown up a bit, maybe. That’s the way I tried to design them, at least.
(Garoo is already a mature adult, so I just changed his look a little.)
I can’t reveal the details of how and where we will meet them yet, but please look forward to it!
We will be announcing the rest of the cast at various times in the future.
But now that I’m used to everything having voices, it really makes me want to play through Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising with full voices… Am I being too selfish? No, there are lots of other people who’d like to play that version too, right? Let’s go find someone with a lot of influence! (LOL)
See you next time!