

『百英雄伝』アップデート情報 – August 2024 Update –

See below for update info in English

Rabbit & Bearからのメッセージ










尚、お渡しは、β版やアーリーアクセス版同様、yetee ストア内 Eiyuden Hub からになります。



まずリワードの遅延についてお詫びいたします。私たちは確実に、高品質なものを皆さまにお届けすることに全力を尽くしております。そして、すべてが進んでいることを確認するべく、The Yeteeやその他関係する方々と綿密に話し合いを行っております。いくつか現時点で公開できる最新情報と進捗状況の画像を皆さまにお届けいたします。

【The Playwright(小説)】


これは当初の予定の通りに村山が原案・構成を行い、ゲーム本編のサブライターとRabbit & Bear Studios シナリオチームとで執筆したものになります。現在は英訳が終わったところで、その監修を行っております。


The Yetee から提出されたサンプルの確認を行い、フィードバックを返しています。







対象バッカーの皆さまに、yetee ストア内 Eiyuden Hubより




Important Update on DLC

A Message from Rabbit & Bear

Hey there backers.
Thank you for your patience. We have been in discussions regarding the release date of the additional DLC as well as the status of various rewards, and we’re sorry we’re still unable to give definitive information at this time.

However, we would like to report on what we do have answers for at this time.

DLC and Distribution

We would like to inform everyone regarding the distribution of upcoming DLC.

Due to the time needed to issue digital codes and send them out to backers free of charge,  so the Marisa DLC will be delayed beyond August. We appreciate your patience and will announce a new release date soon.  

The three additional DLC scenarios planned for the game, “Marisa”, “Seign”, and “Markus” will be the last scenarios written by Murayama himself. We hope that everyone will be able to play these scenarios as soon as possible.

We ask for everyone’s patience as we arrange for backers to receive their codes free of charge prior to the DLCs’ general release.

Please stay tuned to our official Kickstarter Update and Eiyiden Chronicle official social channels. As with the beta and early access versions, delivery will be made through the Eiyuden Hub in the yetee store.

<If you are experiencing any issues with logging into the Hub, then please contact us via the following url>

Reward Progress and Whats to Come

We apologize for the delay, but we’re committed to ensuring we deliver high quality. We’ve been working closely with The Yetee and others to make sure everything is on track. We’re excited to share some positive updates and images of the progress. Check them out! 

The Playwright

This novel is the story of the three main characters, Nowa, Seign, Marisa, as they begin their journey. This will be drafted and structured by Murayama as originally planned, and written with the sub-writers of the main game and the Rabbit & Bear Studios scenario team. We are currently in the process of finishing the English translation and editing.

Pin Badges and Enamel Pins

We have reviewed samples submitted by The Yetee and provided feedback.

LP Jacket

The design of the LP vinyl record jacket and record colors will be as shown below.

Regarding Distribution

We are preparing plans for backers to choose between after confirming the shipping cost and shipping schedule: one where all of their rewards ship at once to reduce fees, or ship individually in order of each item’s completion.

We will continue to examine issues that have occurred in the shipment of packages and take measures to ensure rewards are sent out.

Regarding the Reversible Sleeve

We have been notified that the Bad Western cover art for the reversible jacket and the apology wallpaper are now available for download from the Eiyuden Hub in The Yetee store for all eligible backers.
(Backers will need to print out and cut their own copy to use as a game jacket.)

The reversible jacket in action.

Due to the nature of the “Western Cover Art” project, it will not include the Japanese logo.
We apologize for the change, but the jacket will now be delivered in a digital format instead of the reversible sleeve we originally planned. We hope this solution allows you to still enjoy this great cover.