

村山の開発月報 Vol. 08
Murayama’s Monthly Development Report
Vol. 08

※See below for update info in English




この作業を進めるためには、もちろんそれぞれの具体的なシーンを想像することが必要になる。ノアがセイがメリサが、それぞれでどういった表情で、どういった選択をするのか? それを想像しながら、設計図へと還元していく。





Murayama’s Monthly Development Report Vol. 08

Recently, I’ve finally managed to overcome a huge hurdle regarding the scenario.

I was able to finish the overall plot that connects the story from the beginning to the end.

While the script and lines still need to be written, the overall plan depicting what will happen and who will meet who has been completed.

Of course, in order to proceed with this, each scene will have to have a more concrete image visualized. What kind of expressions will Nowa, Seign, or Marisa make? What choices will they encounter? What decisions will they come to? I will keep these things in mind as I narrow down the story to its final form.

There will be times where things won’t go so smoothly. When that happens, I’ll take a step back and reevaluate everything that led up to that point. Reexamining the setting of those scenes and the emotions behind the characters as they made their decisions. However, these setbacks make the times where things do line up that much sweeter. It really is a joy when things pan out perfectly.

However, there are times where I’ll be stuck for days on end without knowing which direction to go with the story. When that happens, I always end up taking a long bath, wracking my brain thinking about the problem at hand. I get so focused during these times that I often forget how long I stay in the tub. It never is fun when that happens.

Regardless, I was able to create a general storyboard. Now all that’s next is to expand on everything and fine tune it all.